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1335 Regents Park Drive Suite 150 Houston TX 77058, USA


ESyRider and ESyRider Lite

ESyRider, a student rider management software providing safety & security in the after school student dismissal process using RFID technology

The ESyRider system improves the old walkie-talkie method of notifying the inside staff of which parent has arrived to pick up their child. Using either Barcode or RFID Technology, the Process is now streamlined.

ESyRider knows, which car has arrived, who goes in the car, who the driver is and records the time stamp when the child leaves and many more safety features.

ESyRider identifies each vehicle as it drives up the school driveway. Inside the designated student staging area, ESyRider displays the correct students picture and name on a main monitor screen.

Runs on Any Device

ESyRider Lite is a Progressive Web App. A system that runs like an app on mobile & work like a website on your browser.

Flexible Use

We have re-think user experience with every button and form setup to work intuitively.

Get started free

Get started free and upgrade hassle-free to the full version with your existing data.

Easy Configurations

If you run from our cloud, it will be zero-configurations. If you decide to run locally, only a minimum setup required.

ESyRider uses RFID or Barcodes

ESyRider is Flexible & Easy to Setup

Works on any device or any platform